Scribefest is coming!

A virtual conference for Clerk's of Town and Parish Councils
10:00 am-2:00 pm, Wednesday 7th October
Including sessions from Industry Experts:
From Surviving to Thriving - Overcoming Your Accounting Problems
Planning for the Future - Top Tips for Councils to Manage Their Risks
Code of Conduct: Where Are We Now?
Website Accessibility (WCAG2.1AA) Compliance: What You Really Need to Know
Building Resilience and Achieving Your Work/Life Balance in the New Normal
Scribe Cemetery - A Sneak Peek of What's to Come
Plus... A raffle including some fantastic prizes including a brand new iPad, 1 year free Scribe subscription, a custom-built website, £100 donation to a charity of your choice and more...
Register Here
Financial Year Reminders!

Once you have completed your Year End don't forget to close your accounts as this will prevent any changes being made in error should you log into the wrong year!
Once your audit is complete should any changes need to be made you can simply reopen the year and make your amendments and then close again.
To close your accounts go to your Year End menu and click on 'Close Accounts'
Also make sure that you are reconciling your accounts monthly as this will ensure that at year end you are confident that all transactions have been keyed onto Scribe and year end will be a piece of cake!
Drum Roll Please......

We are excited to announce that we will shortly be launching our web based Cemetery software.
Scribe Cemetery has been built to provide a web based, long term solution to help you manage your Cemetery, burials and records securely in a single location.
Scribe Cemetery will integrate with Scribe Accounts or can be used as a stand alone package.
For our existing accounts customers we will be offering an 20% discount on the annual cost of Cemetery so if you would like to see Cemetery in action or have a chat about how this could help your Cemetery management please do get in touch.
AGAR Now Available In Welsh
Following feedback from some of our Welsh councils at Year End we are pleased to announce that we have added the option to run the Accounting Statements element of the AGAR in the Welsh format, with the added option of either English or Welsh language.
To select this option go to Account/Council Profile and select Wales under the Annual Return Format and then Save to update the changes. When you next run the Annual Return under Year End it will appear in the Welsh format and here you can also select the language option.
Are you involved in a charity? Could you help them save money?
Many councils already work closely with various charities and voluntary organisations, and many councillors and clerks of local authorities are involved in charities – whether they are running a charity, sitting on the board of trustees or volunteering.
Charities in your area need help now more than ever. They are experiencing a severe lack of income whilst juggling an increasing demand from service users.
Our partner, BHIB, specialises in providing affordable insurance services for charities of all sizes - including community groups, voluntary organisations and hobby/interest groups.
Please email if you know of any charities who may need support with their insurances.
Join Over 700 Clerks & RFOs Online
Our online Facebook group is exclusive to Clerks and RFOs like you to both Town and Parish Councils and is a great source of advice and support during these testing times as well as a place to share ideas with others in the same sector.
We have seen a surge in member numbers during the recent Covid- 19 period but rest assured there's room for all!
To join the chatter and see the latest topics being covered please click here.
We have over 700 members and this continues to increase each week.

Don't forget you can also follow the Scribe Team on Facebook for the latest updates on what we're doing by clicking here.
We are here to help.....

If you have any questions, or need any help make sure to get in touch!
The Scribe Team
01603 856521